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Rob Limmer
I'm taking part in the 10Km run as part of the 2017 Melbourne Marathon Festival and hoping to raise much needed funds for charity.
This October, I’m going to be sweating it out to complete the course through the streets of Melbourne and ending back at the world famous 'G!
For those that know me you know Cardio is my least favourite activity and will be starting a Couch to 10km progam in the 2 months up to the race - fingers crossed!!
Taps, fridges and sometime even trains run but not me :-)
I am going to be raising money for the Western Bulldog Community Foundation.
The Foundation run programs for Men and (soon) Womens Mental and Physical Health, Youth Leadership and Development, Community Advocacy and Social Inclusion and Diversity to help community projects such as the Sons of the West program that over the last few years has helped myself and many other men to make positive changes in their lives.
I have been involved in the Sons of The West (www.sonsofthewest.org.au) program designed to promote and improve Mens Health and Wellbeing for 4 years and it has helped me dramatically over the years with my depression and helped to give me focus making the right choices for my life (as well as make some damn good mates) and have become part of the leadership group helping other Men to make changes with their lives.
Now it is time to give something back so I have decided to get off the couch and run the 10k.
I am honoured to be a part of this amazing race and helping a great cause and I really appreciate your support, a small donation can make a difference.
I know everyone is always hitting you up for donation so even if you just share this profile i would be grateful.
Rob ( Lucky )
[ You may notice on your GoFundraise page that the minimum donation amount is $50 and there are specific dollar handles already set up, this is set up by the Melbourne Marathon organisers and is not able to be changed.
However, if you would like to donate an amount outside of these handles, they will need to enter the amount directly into the box above the predefined handles ]
Western Bulldogs Community Foundation (SpiritWest Foundation)
The Western Bulldogs Community Foundation (WBCF), formerly SpiritWest Foundation, has been successfully running social impact services in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne for over 13 years. The WBCF works with the community for the community and delivers services to over 5000 people across four streams annually; Health & Wellbeing, Social Inclusion & Diversity, Youth Leadership & Development and Community Advocacy. Our health and wellbeing stream aims to address some of the predominant health concerns through the development of facilitated health pathways, co-branded health networks and co-designed health and wellbeing programs, Sons of the West being the most successful to date. Our Refugee Settlement Services assists migrants in Western Melbourne to integrate successfully into the broader community. Our Youth Leadership & Development programs provide young people with hands on opportunities to become engaged in a learning pathway and to grow as social leaders.We facilitate and promote community harmony through our work with all disadvantaged communities. We believe in, stand for, and work to promote community harmony.
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