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Kaitlyn McCarthy

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Kaitlyn McCarthy


I'm going to be running a mini-marathon in the 2017 Melbourne Marathon Festival!

As a member of the Melbourne University Speech Pathology Student's Society team I will be raising money for Amaze, a wonderful organisation involved in raising awareness, creating positive change and providing resources for autism.

I would love to have your support as I take on this challenge for such a great cause!

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Amaze aims to create an inclusive society that offers every autistic person the opportunity to meaningfully participate and contribute. We do this by raising awareness and influencing positive change among educators, the government and the wider community. Formed in 1967 by a group of parents struggling to find resources to support their child; Amaze has grown to become the Peak body for autism in Victoria annually providing emotional support, credible information and practical tools to over 13,000 families and individuals on their autism journey from pre-diagnosis and beyond.

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